Sunday Pointe's

Reflecting on Sunday there were so many things that I noticed that really made me smile and allowed me to see God’s hand in our worship and today! I want to highlight just a few of the Pointe’s that I saw stand out from today:

+ It was very cool to see for the first service people come together to solve a problem we have never had before. For those that missed it we had a fire alarm go off in the middle of worship that would not shut off. I was so proud of the worship band as they stayed composed and continued to worship at the point they realized there wasn’t a fire. Pointe for the devil he is going to have to do more than set off fire alarms to keep us from worshipping Jesus!

+ Again the band stepped it up today as they were thrown a curve ball and we had our guitarist call in this morning sick and unable to make it. (this was the first time in 4 years that we had a musician call in Sunday morning to my memory) The band stepped up and our bass player went to guitar and sound man went to bass! Pointe being that God has richly blessed us with passionate people with talent that I am honored to serve with!

+ I am very excited about the new series we started called Six Feet Under! As we study as a church family the book of Romans I know that God’s word is going to continue transform families and our church! Many of you saw our team (me included) in a suits and fedora’s which was a blast and it was even cooler to see the 1950 Bentley and the bartender serving coffee in our lobby! You never know what you’re going to see at LakePointe!

+ We celebrated the 63 people who were baptized last Saturday July 3rd, their Independence Day came early! Watching the video brought tears to my eyes, in fact I watched it about 5 times last night in awe of what God is doing! If you missed it or want to share it here it is: 2010 Baptism Bash I am looking forward to spending more time with the 63 and watching the Spirit of God work in their new life! This all fit beautifully today with Romans 6 I dare you to read this and then watch the video and see this passage come to life!

+ Kristi and I had a great opportunity to share our home with the worship band and thank them for all they do in service to Jesus. It was a blast for me to hang out with this passionate crew and watch them converse with each other. When I see all the talent and gifts that God has brought to LakePointe I am humbled and grateful to be serving with you!

+ Lastly I am excited about the challenge that I laid out for our church family to follow the reading plan as we read through the book of Romans. I am also excited about the memory verse each week and know it’s going to spark some awesome conversations at dinner time with the family and between spouses and friends.

I believe what I said this morning as we understand the reconciliation that God has given us in Jesus preemptively that we then will begin to understand how much God loves us. When we understand that we then realize that we are the ones who need to love those who have hurt us in our past and extend the same reconciliation and love them as God loves us. (even while we were still enemies Romans 5 ) When we begin to live that way in all our relationships we will be the light in dark places, our city will see a bright light on a hill and will begin to see through us the love of Jesus! I am honored to serve and shepherd such a church—Good night LakePointe!


  1. I think for many of us, we need to reconcile with the enemy within, i.e. the sinner within us, that leads us down a dark path. Once that happens, then we are able to accept the love of Jesus and His forgiveness, and see the bright light ahead. As a sinner, I have done things that hurt myself, as well as others. Once we love ourselves, then we can love others, as Jesus loves us.

  2. GREAT POINT! I have heard it said, "forgiveness is about setting the captive free and then realizing the captive was you..."


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