Jesus died for that f-bomb! Romans 4

I know this is going to rub some people the wrong way but you have to understand the blog for today. I am sitting with Red Beard, Big Will, & Doc Bryce-2 tattoo artists and one DJ! (think there's a rap song in there somewhere) We are going through Romans 4 and discussing how we are saved apart from the law. We talked about circumcision and how that isn't required any more! (thank goodness) We are not saved by keeping the law! We talked about how it's all about FAITH! That Abraham was credited righteous before he was circumcised and it's not about the law. We talked about how the law is a: Curb, Mirror, & Guide! We can't live up to God's standard-PERFECTION. So we understand the promise comes by FAITH-vs.16 that we don't have to be circumcised we cannot keep the law but it's all about faith in Jesus.

So now we have this discussion about what happens if we are driving our car and have a head on wreck with a semi and the last thing that comes out of our mouth is a F-bomb before. Do we go to hell? After all the last thing we did before we died was sin. Make no mistake God does not want us to use foul language and it is sin, but again we have to go to Romans 4 verses 6-81 6, & 23-25. We have received grace, forgiveness of sin, not by our merit or deed but we are justified by Jesus-Solo Christo, Sola Gratia, Sola fide!

Conclusion-Jesus died for that F-bomb, and our salvation is dependent on Him ALONE!


  1. Actually, I think the word is the four-letter word that starts with "s" and is usually preceded by "OH" I hydroplaned on the Interstate about 13 years ago, and while the car was spinning out of control, I remember praying "please God whatever happens, don't let it hurt!" I don't recall using any words of color, at least not out loud, lol. Jesus was truly with me on that day! I had faith then, and I still have it now. I believe if I had died that day, I would have been with Jesus even tho I hadn't been to church in a while, because I still had FAITH!


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