Enemies of God Romans 5

What a day it's been, on the trek to New Orleans to speak at The National Youth Gathering for the LCMS. I have been thinking a lot about what to say to leaders of the Next Generation, and to the Next Generation. I have titled my sessions for the youth--Starting A Missional Renaissance In Your Community and for the adult leaders--Using Technology To Reach The Next Generation.

What to say to 20,000+ teens, what to say to their leaders?

The main thought I have is simply Romans 5, the challenge to love the way God loves, the challenge to react the way He does to people. I believe it's easy for us to receive love from our Father, it's easy to read Romans 5 and say, "yeah, that's for me baby, I am justified by faith and I do have peace with God now." The harder place to go and live is the place where we are willing to extend the same grace and love that we have been given to those around us. More than that, we are to extend that same love, grace, and reconciliation to our ENEMIES! After all that's exactly what God does for us, extends preemptive reconciliation, preemptive grace!

If somehow the Spirit of God would allow me to get that point across to one person, (maybe it's me) then I will consider the time and energy well spent.

A neat side note, our family decided to memorize the memory verse from Sunday (Romans 6:23NLT) together. We made a game out of it and said when we all learn it then we will go out to Starbucks for a treat. Well today on our way out of town we got to get our treat! It was really neat hearing Lydia (our 4 year old) recite this amazing verse and yell out "FREE GIFT!" (she had a little help from her brother and sisters) How is your family doing--have you been reading and talking about the book of Romans together? How are you doing--have you been able to spend some quiet time in Romans?

Close the day with me today reflecting on how we have an amazing God full of redemptive love and grace for His people!


  1. Awesome!!! Thanks LORD for making Pastor Greg into the man he is! Please continue the wonderful work You are doing in him. Thank You for making him a part of our lives. In Jesus sweet and precious name! AMEN


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