American Family Under Construction...

Studying the book of Nehemiah has caused me to ask this question:

What if the book of Nehemiah is really a parodox of the family of God?  

The book of Nehemiah has been taught in many and various ways.  I have never heard the story of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem as a reflection of what God wants for families that are seeking to live for Jesus or those struggling because of the enemy's ravaging attacks on their family.  Yet that's exactly what I see when I read this rebuilding process.  Maybe you are reluctant and think that families are faring pretty well these days.  As a pastor of “the least of these” let me assure you that unfortunately, that is not the case for the average family in America.  Families in America are under attack and unfortunately, the enemy seems to be gaining ground on his attack on the family.  Look at just a few of revealing statistics regarding families in America:

50% of marriages in America will end in divorce.

8.8 years is the average length of an American marriage.

In 2011, children made up 24 percent of the population of America. ( 

Half of all American children will witness the breakup of a parent’s marriage. (Furstenberg, Peterson, Nord, and Zill, “Life Course”)

Of these, close to half will also see the breakup of a parent’s second marriage.” (Furstenberg, Peterson, Nord, and Zill, “Life Course”)

Seventy percent of long-term prison inmates grew up in broken homes. (Horn, Bush, “Fathers, Marriage and Welfare Reform)

It’s time for our families to undergo construction, a rebuilding of our families much like the rebuilding that took place in Jerusalem as God led Nehemiah.  A broken heart for families is where we as leaders in our community can begin to make a difference. Having a conversation with a single mother, witnessing to a teen struggling with no foundation at home due to broken marriages and a dissolved family system will certainly break the hardest of hearts.  As we see the carnage caused by sin and poor choices, coupled with a relentless and vicious attack by the enemy much like Nehemiah saw, we begin to recognize the need for reconstruction of the family.

The next thing we as followers of Jesus can do is fight on our knees.  That’s the second thing we find Nehemiah doing: PRAYING. The leader that God uses to restore the rubble of broken down walls of His people is one that understands prayer.  After mourning the state of the family of God in Israel Nehemiah does knee bends; he begins to pray.  He continues to pray day and night, and when Nehemiah has an opportunity to share his hurt and pain with the King whom he works for, the first thing he does is pray. Nehemiah seeks God's guidance as he answers the king's inquiry of what Nehemiah wants from the king. Pray?  Doesn’t Nehemiah already know?  Doesn’t he have a well-crafted answer that he’s thought through to lay “quid pro quo” to the king tethered with “if/then” statements?  I truly believe that God has shown us how we are to respond to the broken down walls of the family structure we see in America today.  It starts with a broken heart and then leans into prayer.  Nehemiah starts his prayer with acknowledging who God is, and then requests God’s utmost attention.  “Let your ear be attentive and your eyes open, to hear the prayer of your servant...vs.6”  Then Nehemiah continues with confession.  Confession not only of his sin, but of the sin of his father, along with the sin of the people Israel.  Then Nehemiah asks God to act on His promises to His people. Nehemiah asks God for success before he talks to the king.  I can’t help but wonder what would happen if we began a movement for the family.  A movement that is centered in confession and absolution, a movement that leans into prayer, trusting and believing that not only is God hearing but God is at work restoring and rebuilding the families in our communities.  That somehow God is going to use us in the process, rebuilding and strengthening our own families as we serve Him.  

What other correlations do you see in the story of Nehemiah that translate into families in America today?

What are ways you and the community of believers you know could be a part of rebuilding family walls in your community?

Start by praying to God and asking Him to reveal what He would have you do as part of the healing process of taking the gospel to families in your community whose walls are broken down, families that need Jesus.     


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