Do You Influence?
Do you have influence? In order to answer the question you must first look at the word defined: influence |ˈinfloŏəns| noun the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself : the influence of television violence | I was still under the influence of my parents | their friends are having a bad influence on them. • the power to shape policy or ensure favorable treatment from someone, esp. through status, contacts, or wealth : the institute has considerable influence with teachers. • a person or thing with such a capacity or power : Frank was a good influence on her. • archaic Physics electrical or magnetic induction. You do indeed have influence. The question is who are you influencing and how? If you are like me and have children you are influencing them for sure. Ever see your child do or say something you wished they hadn't only to realize they learned (were influenced) by you? I have heard it sa...