We Are All Beggars
We Are All Beggars (Readings from the "Through-the-Bible Reading Plan" Oct 30th) Job 21, Mark 5 & 6 What's been hitting me today is there are so many things that are out of my control. For a high "D" personality and a high "I" (meaning I'm a control freak that likes to influence people) this is very difficult to swallow. Even today my middle daughter is in the ER because of stomach pains she has been having and I cannot control this situation. I have been praying for God to heal her and His ultimate will to happen, I have asked several prayer warriors to join me in this prayer but ultimately I am just a beggar before God. Reading today more of Job's story-line is a reminder that the unjust prosper and the follower's of Yahweh don't always have it easy. We are just beggars of God's mercy and we pray for strength and understanding that can only come from Him when we are in the middle of some junk that we don't understand....